EDAR leads the nation in use of an evidence-based cognitive restructuring program. Our officers assist clients in identifying internal cognitive processes and replacing negative thoughts and behaviors linked to external events.
Unemployment Rate
EDAR is a Top 10 district in the nation for lowest number of unemployed clients on supervision.
Pretrial Release Rate
The Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts recognized the EDAR as a Top 5 district in the nation for highest pretrial release rate in compliance with federal statues and the Bail Reform Act.
Our Mission
We follow the Code of Conduct for Judicial Employees and the U.S. Probation and Pretrial Services Charter of Excellence. We set high standards for ourselves and the organization to improve the lives that we serve and promote the safety and welfare of the community. We are created to aspire to a higher purpose and to work collectively for a common good. We are called to assist the Courts in the fair administration of justice and to heal and protect the community.