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Treatment Services Reaching Arkansas Rural Areas

Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Author: Treatment Team

Treatment services continues to be an area of focus for the Eastern District of Arkansas (EDAR) Probation and Pretrial Services (PPTS) Office. Our district continues to work with local providers to ensure clients have access to substance abuse, mental health, cognitive behavioral, and sex offense specific treatment providers as part of their supervision. Providing treatment to specific needs is part of larger strategies aimed at giving every client the best chance at successfully completing their term of supervision.


EDAR PPTS has providers located in 80% of the counties in the district. These treatment resources help ensure clients in rural areas have access to the services they need. Treatment resources include:


  • contracting for drug testing,
  • outpatient individual and group counseling for substance abuse and mental health, and
  • residential substance use treatment.



Our district currently contracts with three different facilities for residential substance use treatment to guarantee access to this resource for clients who need it the most. In light of the growing national trend for opiate misuse, we have reached an agreement with local providers to ensure access to medical detox and medically assisted treatment for those clients who lack health insurance. Sex offense specific treatment continues to be contracted for clients on post-conviction supervision. 


All of these resources are utilized to help protect the community by giving clients the resources they need while readjusting to lawful society.